My Band Gathering Grey Just Released Pinnacle

Listen to Pinnacle by Gathering Grey on Spotify

The New Gathering Grey album “Pinnacle” is out now on Spotify, Apple Music, Google Play, YouTube, and all streaming services.
This album is a collection of songs that we first started writing in 2016. We started the recording process twice and had technical issues which caused us to completely scratch the whole project. Last year in April Austin McPherson and myself both had Covid at the same time and decided to start production on “Pinnacle” for the 3rd time. I was running a fever when recording all of the drum tracks, Austin was sick also while tracking most of the guitar parts at the beginning. We have worked on this album for over a year between tracking and the mixing and mastering process. This album was done all in house with Austin being the engineer for 95% of it and doing all the mixing. I can only take credit for tracking the drums at my home studio. Austin tracked all guitar and bass parts. We both had a hand at post production, programming, Foley sounds, etc… We both used Ableton and swapped tracks back and forth.
We learned a lot in this process and had a blast working on these songs. These compositions may not have lyrics but every song that we wrote for “pinnacle” has a story behind it. These songs carry a badge of honor. We are very proud of this album with all of the work and time that we have put into it. We hope you enjoy “Pinnacle” and will share it with a friend.


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